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Electricity In Dubai?

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netibiza | 12:45 Fri 15th Aug 2014 | Travel
1954 Answers
Can anyone confirm that the electricity in Dubai is 220v, and that the plugs are the same as UK ie 3 pin? Thank you.


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Done too much. pass the WD40
17:09 Mon 03rd Oct 2016
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What is that rubbish
Haha..I can understand it .You made a stir fry,had a bath and found a wriggly thing in the water.It was probably hiding under the bath looking for a friend to bathe with;)
It's been a lovely day here ,warm and sunny. Too warm on the bus really but got shopping .I needed a birthday present and card for a friend and then we went in M&S food hall and got lots of goodies to eat.Much nicer over there for shopping than GY.
Oh yes,and I bought a T-shirt and a bag .Nice tan leather look shopper/tote.

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Good morning. Yes jno mine swam but was only 2" long. They do bite we were warned last year about them. Wonder if that's what bit my botty which is not so itchy now.
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Another offering from the outside cats a big mouse but not a rat this time.
Morning all...has neti been abducted by aliens and now speaks their language? ewwww, I can cope with most creepy crawlies but I don't like centipedes, they're just too creepy.
It's been a windy, wet, noisy night...still breezy but I can see blue sky appearing. Yesterday & Sunday afternoon were lovely so I've been trying to catch up with a few things as well as watching the tennis.

Ooh, you've just reminded me shaney, I've got a couple of shoppers somewhere that need an airing, I just seem to use the same two bags all the time. I've got a cousin in Lowestoft somewhere but he doesn't sell handbags. :)

Hope you're all ok....hi Jude if you're looking in.

Morning all
What's happened to the sunshine ? After the lovely summers day yesterday it's back to gloom.Tut.
We got bombarded by those horrid bug things last night .They come down the chimney and crash around .June/July bugs? Shudder.
I've been caught by the doctor.Just had a phone call and have to see him on Thursday for a review.Clinic this afternoon .I can't get away from medical people lately.
It was only a cheap bag Robinia from a sort of pop up shop .They were selling like hot cakes and there were various styles .It's very nice though ,soft and light to carry,not too big ,not too small .It's my bag du jour:)
Morning all. Tortoises are outside again after the smaller one got stuck under furniture twice then started banging on the door! She is a little so and so, knows when the weather has warmed up and hates being indoors. Planning a bust sort and tidy day today, have had a new set of drawers arrive from Ikea for my craft room but will need major rearranging to fit them in....wish me luck!
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Centipedes are one of the insects/bugs that I don't mind. Eye awful today and nose painful.
Have to get hija's passport off today, it like pulling teeth to get her to do anything but I have finally got her FP to have some photos done as the ones she has from Dubai she is smiling which apparently is a no no. Then she has to drive to San An to give to a lady who is flying back to UK tomorrow which will save us at least 10 days and money and will be safer.
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evening all.
Am trying to type this carefully. I will type it only once!!
It was 31º today but dropped to 30º now. I've been in the pool a few times. Hija brought home Pad thai and chicken satay skewers for lunch, it was very ncie. I made meatballs for Mr N's supper but also had to eat a few!!
Glad tv is back to normal tonight, Eastenders and Holby! Yay.
quite a nice day today, unlike at the flower show yesterday when it was all glum and grey. At least it was free, but a rather small fish and chips meal cost £11. Interesting gardens, and OH is now thinking "agapanthus".
OH needs to think sunny well drained bake the roots beds or containers. I really like agapanthus...they blend beautifully with hydrangeas.
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Good morning.
Ha you didn't catch me out there, I KNOW what an agapanthus is!!!
Same old heat. Getting really warm now.
Hope you are all OK and slept well.

Morning...dull and fresh here, a little Ibizan warmth would be welcome...but not 30 degrees.

Hmmm, woofy yesterday... "Planning a bust sort and tidy day...". How many have you got woofy, if there are any spare I could do with a slightly bigger one?

Oh yes agapanthus (I call them raggy pants), lovely plants. I had one that burst it's plastic container so I put it in the ground. Big mistake, it dwindled to almost nothing so last year I salvaged the last bits and put them back in a container. They seem to be reviving and there are flower shoots.
I watched the flower show on the tele last night, I love Monty but I just can't take to Joe Swift.

sorry to disappoint you Robi but it was a typo....I have only the one bust and it remains firmly attached although there are many days when i wish I could swap it for something smaller and less intrusive.
I finished dealing with the craft room at 7pm last night....Ikea had new and improved the set of drawers and changed the dimensions so the rearrange became a major rearrange with much swearing. plan is to complete today.
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My bust needs rearranging woofy!
I have 4 irons and only my little old tesco one is working, so will be on iron hunt tomorrow.
Hot or what??why do I have so much ironing in the summer? Still washing dries within half an hour.
gah, it is flying ant day and they are all indoors this year, right next to my computer. I have nuked the room with fly spray. DIE YOU FREAKS.
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Well done jno. Obliterate obliterate!!!
Just cruising by to say goodnight .Same old here .Not a bad day weatherwise though, warm and sunny in parts.
It's the flying ants invasion Jno ,we've got them here .They're trying to muscle in on the June bugs .
My backhand with a rolled up newspaper was on par with Andy Murray earlier.In the end I stuffed a cushion up the chimney.Then it was football. Shame for Wales but they did well to go so far.
Night all.
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Morning all.

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