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Is this Sign of “the Last Days,” or “End Times”? IS ,time running out ? What Does the Bible Say? Luke 21 ,10 Daniel’s prophecy reveals how during the “time of the end” the sovereignty would be taken...
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What does the Bible say about man ruining the Earth.? With all the climate change ? And the chaos which is going on around us what is next ??? Will Man Ruin the Earth Beyond Repair? What does Bible...
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Is Religion Dying Out? HAVE you given up on organized religion?  People are becoming disillusioned with organized religion for a variety of reasons.  WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: john 15 19 1f you were part...
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Most English people celebrate Easter week .is one of the main English religious holidays . what does it mean for you ? Memorial of Jesus’ Death What Can His Sacrifice Mean for You ? Matthew 21:33-41;...
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atheists have their own Theory .Which is their god .But he does not give any good explanation about their Theory. Why do many people think the Many Bible is amiss or just a book of stories. Many...
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What would you think if the existence of god and jesus was ever proven beyond all doubt? I don't know how, but say it was something that banished all doubt once and for all.How would you feel?...
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Is there a subject that is not suitable for humour?
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We are now approaching a new year,2023 and many people are wondering if the coming months will bring better things. Do you see the world as badly in need of reliable direction?. Politicians clamoring...
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what is god s kingdom .????????????????????...
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Perfect man, created in the image and likeness of his Creator, What has happened to man ? Is there a chance that man - will turn back to god - and will find the truth creator. or the god of the...
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= Revelations 16. 16- - and who is God's enemies = from revelations we are informed that there will be a gathering of the Nations what is this MEAN ??–AND who is God's enemies ?? ==Revelations .1...
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Proverbs 1:20-33 says “How long will you inexperienced ones keep loving inexperience, and must you ridiculers desire for yourselves outright ridicule, and will you stupid ones keep hating knowledge?...
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Will there ever{EVER} be Peace in the world IN my lifetime there always been wars or the reports of wars ? But the churches are supposed to promote peace ???? THAY are supposed to be representing the...
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naomi24 14:25 Thu 15th Apr 2021 This really s ridiculous. Who constructs a plan which obliges him to pay a ransom to himself? It makes no sense whatsoever. ////know me where in the bible does it say...
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The Ransom—God’s Greatest Gift -JESUS IS SON What is the ransom, and what do we need to understand in order to appreciate this valuable gift? Put simply, the ransom is GOD .S means to deliver, or...

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