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Another in a series of heart-warming stories !
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mikey4444 Don't view this if you are in any way a music lover !...
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I am halfway through the "Gabriel Hounds" and are enjoying it immensely. I am familiar with her Arthurian books, but can anybody recommend any others ?...
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Am I right in thinking that if I don't open any email, with a dodgy-looking attachment, I will be safe ?
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I am always extremely careful when opening any emails with attachments. But wouldn't my anti-virus protection not prevent most attacks ?...
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mikey4444 "O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! "...
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I have posted this sort of thing before, but why would anybody go into the water, when there are lots of great white sharks about ?...
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mikey4444 Sad news, Catweazle was one of my favourite programs when I was younger....I guess that Talking Bone won't be calling any more....
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Its tipping down....I had forgotten what real rain looks like !
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Most times, when I get a text, I get a duplicate about 2-3 mins later, at least my iPhone goes bong again. Does anybody know why I am getting these repeats ?
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mikey4444 Here is an example of a Judge doing exactly the right thing !...well done !...
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Is it possible to get to Majorca, from Britain, other than flying ? My brother has been told that he shouldn't fly.
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Snowdonia alpine coaster: First riders on new £1.5m ride Not sure whether they will let someone my size on it though !...
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For a long time now, I have noticed that most people in my local Co-op, where I buy my Guardian every morning, always take a copy of their newspaper of choice. not from the one on top of the pile, but...
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mikey4444 When Ed Milliband announced a similar policy, the Tory PM at the time howled him down across the Dispatch Box. But now Mrs May is stealing this policy...
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One of my employers has given me this laptop. I am quite impressed with it, I have to say. It has a little black stylus, which slides into the side. This stylus has a small button in its length, but...
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mikey4444 Isn't this amazing !...
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mikey4444 This ogre has finally been sacked, and...
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mikey4444 I thought that Mrs May had already said that she isn't going to take part in any TV debates, but now it looks as if she has made a u-turn ?...

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