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This may be of passing interest to anyone that is fascinated by technology. The other day i was on a coach coming from France through Dover. As we left the ferry and continued around the customs...
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If you could be one person, past or present for 24 hours who would it be and why.
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I have put a purple toner on my blonde hair and its really stuck to it!! my hair now has a purpley tinge to it! does anyone know anything i can use to remove it?!?!?
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After perusing the back catalogue of this thread, i see a Q about drug addicts looking the same. Then the bigots, safely cocooned in the cosy little worlds sit back and have a go. Have you never heard...
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My wife, repeatedly hit me with a variety of objects shoes, fists, just anything to hand, over a period of 21years. I am twice the size of her and i was a judo instructor for 14 years. More than...
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a pakistani kareoke singer...................................................................................................................get up ta sing.
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A woman sees a sign outside a pet shop. CLITTORIS LICKING FROG ?50-00. She goes in , "I'd like to see the clitoris licking frog". Man behind the counter says. BONJOUR
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I know im not fat so why does it hurt to be called it?? Ive only ever been called fat twice in my life, once was when i was 16 and a size 8/10 and my doctor told me i was getting fat and the second...
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can you post 3 facts about yourself? here's 3 about me 1 - i have an internet infactuation! (like u dont already no!!) 2 - i can juggle with 7 balls 3- i own 47 pairs of shoes
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My son Tim, is 24, very good looking, an absolute charmer when it comes to sales and marketing. He can sell anything, get anyone to sign anything, just with his smile and his cheeky banter, as long as...
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Does anyone know what i mean. When you are in a really bad mood and know you are snapping at people and although you dont like being like it you just FEEL like being grumpy and just cant put your...
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My partner has cheated on me and im gutted. She denied it at first and lied for ages calling me paranoid etc. When i spoke to the other person he admitted it. Now she admits...
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How long is the AB going to allow so called jokes, about muslims to be posted in this thread? The bomb in the mosque joke, how funny is that then? I thought it was the terrorists that we generally...
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Raleigh or Fisgard , he asks with a knowing wink!!!
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Why ladies, do you as a species all seem to exhibit a lack of self awareness when it comes to being absolutely horrible to your menfolk on a monthly basis? You know that you are going to have a bad...
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Quote from Groucho Marx: "A toast,. Here's to our wives and girlfriends! May they never meet!"
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In Apollo 13, just before the crew attempt re-entry, Tom Hanks says, "Gentlemen, it's been a privilege to serve with you". It has also been in other films but who originally said it? Was it Captain...
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: A police officer pulls a guy over for speeding and the following exchange take place: Officer: May I see your driver's license? Driver: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th Drunk...
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Does anyone out there know who or what my name Topogigo is about? I do by the way
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Some of Bernard Mannings jokes. A black man walks in to a pub with a parrot on his shoulder. "Where did you get that" The barman asks "Africa" Says the parrot. "There's fcuking thousands of them!"...

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