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Been so busy lately the sheets nearly jumped off the bed by themselves this morning when I finally got round to doing the laundry. How often does everybody change their bed linen?
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After the Hemel insident I am annoyed to hear people complaining that the fire service didn't do enough. This was the biggest explosion in peace time Europe of this kind and I think the fire service...
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Starman 2112
There appears to be no news of the fallout from the Buncefield oil depot fire. What has happened to the toxic cloud? Are scientists still mapping it's progress? Has there been any 'fall out' yet?
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They went round and did swabs for cocaine - if positive they went blue. Are there not other substances that could also turn the swab blue, i.e. false positives? I'm not saying that cocaine use isn't...
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Dom Tuk
Remember those famous words uttered less than 3 months ago. So we give up ?7bn. From my reading the French and others will have committed to discussing their farming subsidies in 2008. So arent we the...
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Does anyone know where I can find Panyan (Pan yan) piccalilli? Apparently it used to be sold in kwiksave but they've discontinued it. Any suggestions very much appreciated...
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can anyone tell me how to open ,wwwdeathtogreysquirrels page,i find it impossible to open,ty.
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please could someone settle an argument? Does the water that flowers have been in for 12 days stink badly?carnations actually. My husband says it`s not possible.
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I have a full time job but I could do with earning some extra money and thought about trying to get some work as a secretary or similar where I could work from home. Just doing typing for someone...
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I don't want to stick drawing pins in the wall, Blu Tack isn't strong enough, and Sellotape takes the paint off. So is there any other way of hanging ribbons with Christmas cards attached to them?
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I have two friends who are both unemployed, overweight, and pretty disatisfied with their life. My one friend has had three jobs in the last month and none of them worked out. She phones me about 5...
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Emma T
Hi My 9 mth old kitten recently passed away, having been involved in a car accident. I would like to adopt 2 kittens in the future and just wondered if i would be able to use the scratching post and...
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Some advice please from all you knowledgable ABers! I bought a cardigan as a Christmas present on 28/11. I left the item in its bag and did not check it when I got it home. When I came to wrap it up...
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I had been unemployed for a really long time. My bf used to get on my case a lot for this. Well I finally got a job a ta large department store that is a Union. The last time I talked to him I told...
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Why does every single pair of shoes I ever buy hurt me in some way. It's doing my brain in!!
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have any of you started to make new year resolutions?? i am going to try and give up i have smoked for 35 years and its truly a waste of money and before we know it this government will...
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I would really appreciate your views. I have to work with my sister at College. I have taught there 10 years. she has been there 1. She is "team leader" since she is the only full timer who is not...
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Headless Rat
I just started (September) with one of the Big Four Auditing Firms. I don't really like what I'm doing-not that I hate going in every morning or anything, but I'm just not passionate about it.I love...
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A friend of mine forgot to renew his house insurance in July this year. Says the provider did not send him a renewal reminder. His property was damaged by the blast in hemel. He needs to make a claim....
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Is there any reason why I should not use one of those long lasting light bulbs in a standard lamp?

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