My goodness we are a failing lot aren't we? Shaney have you tried Savlon Healing gel, I swear by it, mind you I swear by everything.
I have a rash round my wrist, looks like I cann't wear cheap watches anymore!
Am liking my hair now that it has grown, it's taken 3 weeks, but shan't go rushing there again in a hurry. I like the pointy sticky up style but not when it was so short. I find it looks better if I do not wash it too often and the more products on it the better it behaves!
No worries re Renal mexico, he'll take one look at my blood and pee results and say drink more water and see me again in one year. Why do I bother even going?
Was a tad chilly today, loving it, Mr N was given a huge blk/wht fluffy cuddly huge top, so I was wearing that with tight trousers and boots. I love winter, I was determined to wear something wintry today, otherwise what's the use of having seasons? It was 9º but apparently it is now 14º bah humbug!