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A driver is stuck in a traffic jam on the motorway. Nothing is moving. Suddenly a man knocks on the window. The driver rolls down his window and asks, "What's going on?" "Terrorists down the road have...
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Little Johnny's class teacher was Mrs Smith, "Today", she said " we shall be playing the guessing game" Mrs Smith took out a brown paper bag- and described what was inside. "What I have here is a...
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Two priests are off to the showers late one night. They undress and step into the showers before they realize there is no soap. Father John says he has soap in his room and goes to get it, not...
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I went to the builders yard the other day and said "i want to buy some bricks please" "How many would you like." said the chap "About 8000." i said. "That's a lot of bricks," he said, "What are you...
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Housework was a woman's job, but one evening, Jenny arrived home from work to find the children bathed, one load of laundry in the washer and another in the dryer. Dinner was on the stove, and the...
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While on a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a road side restaurant for lunch. After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant and resumed their trip. When leaving, the elderly woman...
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A soldier ran up to a nun. Out of breath he asked, 'Please, may I hide under your skirt. I'll explain later.' The nun agreed. A moment later two Military Police ran up and asked, Sister, have you seen...
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A couple were lying in bed together on the morning of their tenth wedding anniversary when the wife says 'Darling, as this is such a special occasion, I think that it is time I made a confession....
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Paddy met Mick in the street and said, "Mick, will you draw your bedroom curtains before making love to your wife in future?" "Why?" Mick asked. "Because," said Paddy, "All the street was laughing...
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Little Billy asks his Dad for a Television in his room. Dad reluctactly agrees. Next day Billy comes downstairs and asks, "Dad, What's Love Juice?" Dad looks horrified and tells Billy all about Sex....
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An American tourist in London was desperate to take a leak. After a long search he couldn't find any public bathroom to relieve himself. So he went down one of the side streets to take care of...
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A wife is a sex object. Every time you ask for sex, she objects. ________ There are only two four letter words that are offensive to men - 'don't' and 'stop', unless they are used together. ________...
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Murphy is laying in bed in hospital covered from head to foot in bandages with just two little slits for his eyes His mate Paddy comes to visit and asks "what happened to you" Murphy says "when i came...
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A young woman was pulled over for speeding in Dublin. A Garda Traffic cop walked to her car window, flipping open his ticket book. The young lady immediately says “I bet you are going to sell me a...
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Paddy and Bridget are laying in bed and cant get to sleep for the constant barking of next doors dog After an hour or so Bridget says "For gods sake Paddy will you do something about that damn noisy...
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All last week my good lady was moaning that i didn't take her out on Saturday nights, So this week as a treat i booked us a table for 8pm What a waste of time that was she did nothing but complain all...
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I saw Lee Majors the bionic man the other day on the Royal Mile. He looked a million dollars... he's really let himself go... ______________ Dave decides to go to the cinema he buys a ticket and goes...
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Funny story about the late Shane Warne. Warnes team mates were perplexed to see Shane with women's panties on his arm. Shane bowled a few overs but no one dare ask him about the panties. Finally Ricky...

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