Distiller apprentice it right on my door step Distilling Reading hydrometers Pumping flammable liquids (remaining conscious of safety at all times) Measuring pH Calculating the amount of alcohol in a... ...
so, I really want to get a tattoo on my arm. I have wanted one for.. well, many years- it will be my first my big question is, how much does it hurt?. I don't feel I handle pain well, and I... ...
Before you judge or comment I had spare money I changed to pounds and put in my account and these have been hanging around in my wardrobe for ages and been... ...
I got a job I don't enjoy with not enough hours, no car, no boyfriend and no house. I thought I'd have alot more going for me I did years so feel like I did something and being punished
I know this might sound abit needy but feel like guys don't like me they speak to me on dating apps but seems they on it for a laugh as don't ask for a date. I know years ago it my fault I went on... ...
So this girl I mentioned on here was a loose cannon and don't keep friends. Ever since new years eve when we all went she said they clicked but what I didn't realise is that the one who was a... ...
I've been asked to go on a date Saturday but not sure this guy looks abit scrawny and really also asked do I want to go pub or clubbing but said last week he driving so don't understand
Why is my life like this years single, still at home and not in a full time job.Since my ex just before covid I've been on dates bit no success first guy is my fault as I didn't make any effort... ...
I said I'd make a new thread earlier so like I explained in my other one. This guy I went on a date with 2 weeks ago and as I explained he said he wanted a 2nd we were meant to go out last Friday... ...
I was on the bus stop today after work and I not sure if my friend seen me and I had to rush back to get something before I got on the bus. My friend hasn't said anything but I'm worried if she... ...